I'm a YES Candidate!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

I still can't believe that I will leave for USA in 4 weeks!!! Wanna know what I feel? Well it's actually undescribed. I feel excited, happy, sad, shocked, nervous, confused and many other feelings at once. It's excited and happy of having a chance to study abroad, but it's sad to leave a lot of people here, and it's nervous to live in a country which is really different from my own, then it's confusing to think of what should be prepared. Thus, that 4 weeks is such a very short time left, isn't? *heavy breathing* *God, take my soul now*

I mean to make this blog as a diary when I'm gone. Well this started about a year ago, when the first time I heard about the AFS and YES Program then got really excited and tried to participate. The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, provides scholarships for secondary school students (age 15-17) from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend one academic year in the United States. Scholarships for the YES Abroad program are also available to U.S. citizens attending high school (age 15-18) to spend one academic year in select countries.

You should know! At first I never imagined that I'm going to be the final candidate. I really learned that nothing is impossible as long as we would like to try. I've passed couples steps of tests since last year, such as general knowledge test, interview test, SLEP test, and many more (can be googled if you want to know about the tests in detail). Yay this is my first time of leaving my beloved country, Indonesia. Sounds great? Not at all, I feel so much nervous. And yepp...I got some books for my preparation before leaving!

Orientation book, student handbook, and other documents.

By the time of my departure become closer, the more I feel that this is not as simple as what I thought at first. Well, I've proceed my passport and interviewed for visa, but there are still a lot of things need to be prepared. My worst problem now is; I'm not really confident with my English and I feel like...I'm gonna die. Now I'm preparing traditional clothes, dancing costumes, gifts, and YAY I didn't yet buy a suitcase for my luggage, and didn't yet learn about how to make up as a Balinese Dancer. The time goes, it's 3 weeks left, and some things weren't complete prepared yet. Weird, isn't?

Besides, I can't lie that it's really hard to leave a lot of people here. I didn't go yet but I just feel like I can imagine how homesick is like. Would really miss how parents being my both mood boosted and breaker, my grumpy sister, my innocent brother, and lovely friends. But then I remember whether life is a choice, and we should be wise to choose our way :)) Well, I'm starting of writing absurd things.

Don't know anymore what to write, before it becomes worse maybe it's better to me to end this writing. READY OR NOT, USA I'M COMING!!! 


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